El Palo de Mayo lo comienzan a bailar las niñas de la comunidad.The May Pole is first danced by the young girls in the village
Despues las mujeres mayores toman las tiras .Then the older women take over.
Las comunidades garifunas cercanas a La Ceiba se han unido para formar la "Ruta Garífuna"y en ciertos fines de semana estarán organizando encuentros gastronómicos y culturales. Un esfuerzo para paliar la crisis económica y atraer al turismo. Esta vez asisití a la comunidad de Corozal , Atlántida , ubicada a pocos kilometros al este de La Ceiba.
There was "machuca" "casabe"and coconut bread. Punta and Jungujungu were danced , but specially the may pole dance , of european origin but danced throughout the caribbean in different versions. May Pole is a dance that is now rarely seen in the garifuna communities. The garifuna villages near La Ceiba are coming toghether every other weekend and have created the "Garifuna Route" a way to bring tourism into a weak economy these days. Amongst the events that are organized is a garifuna food festival. In this ocassion I went to Corozal a town locates a few miles east of La Ceiba.
Una Señora prepara "Machuca". La Machuca es plátano entre verde y maduro machacado con un pilón , que luego se utiliza en las sopas como sustituto de pan . A woman making machuca.Machuca is squashed plantain (between green and ripe) that is then eaten as bread substitute with fish soup.
All of these communities have been part of my "caribbean coast education". In my teen age years I spent a lot of week ends enjoying the beaches and feasting on fish, machuca and casabe.
Today these communities are suffering from unemployment and many of the problems the rest of Honduras is facing, so it is a worthy cause to support these festivals.
Pan de coco recién salido del horno. Coconut bread fresh fron the oven.
El aroma del pan de coco recien hecho es uno de los aromas mas preciados por los que hemos crecido en esta costa . The smell of fresh coconut bread is one of the most treasured aromas to those of us who grew up in this coast.
I came home with a bag of coconut bread and a a few ginger bread cookies, the garifuna version of the traditional english cookies.
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